¡VAMOS! Work Package 6 Kick-off Meeting on La Palma
On Wednesday and Thursday this week, 7th and 8th December 2016, LPRC hosted a kick-off meeting in La Palma for a Work Package of the Horizon2020 project, ¡VAMOS! (¡Viable Alternative Mine Operating System!).
The workshop was organised with the objective of understanding and planning the various deliverables within the scope of the Work Package.

Selected workshop participants in front of the Museo de La Palma.
Technical management was present, as was the Project Coordinator together with multiple partners with roles within the Work Package. Participants included senior representatives from specialist geological and industrial mining institutions such as GeoZS (Slovenia), Montanuniversität Leoben (Austria), Soil Machine Dynamics (England), and more.
In reference to the objective of the kick-off meeting, on Wednesday, each pre-identified deliverable was presented by the assigned leader: debate ensued, during which inconsistencies were identified, and understanding was conferred among the group.
The workshop concluded on Thursday morning with a round-up of solutions identified during the first sitting, a brainstorming exercise, follow-up business from the meeting, and a succinct summary action plan.
LPRC will now continue to coordinate this work package, presenting progress at the next ¡VAMOS! meeting in March.