Tag Archive for: robotics


ROBOMINERS Consortium Meeting with LPRC in Austria

The ROBOMINERS Consortium, in which LPRC participates, hosted…

LPRC joins PRO-ACT project TRR session

On 16 February 2021, the PRO-ACT project had its TRR - Test Readiness…

ROBOMINERS project Review Meeting

On 29 January 2021, the ROBOMINERS project had its first review…

UNEXUP presented at the virtual Mineral Exploration Symposium 2020

The 2020 edition of the Mineral Exploration Symposium was a two-day…

UNEXUP e-meeting – WP0 & WP1 workshop

On March 24th-26th, the LPRC team participated in an UNEXUP three-day…

PRO-ACT – Preliminary Design Review, Bremen

On the 7th and 8th of November LPRC participated in the PRO-ACT's…

Closing of the UNEXMIN Project

The UNEXMIN project, where LPRC leaded tasks on Dissemination,…

UNEXMIN Final Project Meeting, Brussels

LPRC participated at the final UNEXMIN Project Meeting, held…

RoboMiners Kick-off meeting, Madrid

The 13th and 14th of June the Politechnical University of Madrid…

Tag Archive for: robotics


Resilient Bio-Inspired Modular Robotic Miners for high grade/small scale deposits