
LPRC joins a new Horizon Europe project: GENESIS

Between the 24th – 26th of September, LPRC staff members participated at the Kick-off meeting of GENESIS, a newly-awarded Horizon Europe project (GA 101157447), hosted in the “Museo Geominero” in Madrid. This meeting, hosted by the coordinator Instituto Geológico y Minero de España, was an excellent opportunity to meet in person, discuss and organize the work ahead for these 4 years in every Work Package, with the representation of all project partners from several countries in Europe.

The project’s main goal is to support regions, local authorities, and communities in addressing climate change vulnerabilities related to potential natural disasters and long-term climate changes impacting groundwater-dependent systems by showcasing local and regional NbS and via creating a deep demonstrator in Macaronesia. The project will test their limits and bring to the table innovative Nature-based Solutions, including dry gallery and underground dike-impounded dam systems in the regions. Additionally, GENESIS prioritizes sustainable water reuse to maximize resource efficiency by treating and repurposing wastewater, stormwater, and reclaimed water for non-potable uses like irrigation, industry, and urban landscaping.

Follow the project on its website to keep up-to-date with the project actions.