LPRC’s H2020 projects in Budapest Water Summit 2016
The Hungarian capital hosted the “Budapest Water Summit 2016 (BWS 2016)” between the 28th – 30th of November 2016. This was an important event that resulted from cooperation efforts made by the Hungarian Government and the World Water Council.
The University of Miskolc exhibited several projects in which LPRC is involved, namely Kindra, CHPM2030 and UNEXMIN. The main goal of this space was to display internationally recognised water management technologies.

Kindra, CHPM2030 and UNEXMIN projects’ booths in the University of Miskolc’s area.
It is extraordinary, when the projects in which you are involved get to be recognised by no other than the President of the Republic of Hungary (see photo below)! Also, it is important that the technologies, actions and decisions discovered and developed in these European projects get to all the necessary stakeholders, represented also by people in higher positions.

President of Hungary, János Áder, visits the exhibition booth of University of Miskolc and their projects: on the left, Tamás Madarász, on the center, Péter Szűcs, Dean of the Faculty of Earth Science and Engineering and on the right, János Áder, the President of Hungary.