UNEXUP Kick-off – Budapest
The LPRC team was in Budapest, Hungary, on the 6th and 7th of February, to participate in the new EIT Raw Materials UNEXUP project, which is a direct continuation of the H2020 UNEXMIN project. LPRC participated in UNEXMIN and continues to UNEXUP to lead the communication and dissemination efforts.
The kick-off aimed at starting discussions and planning on the future of the UX-1 technology to explore flooded mines and other underwater environments. Contrary to what was seen in UNEXMIN, where the technology was designed, developed and tested, UNEXUP will aim at market research and at bridging the technology closer to the underwater markets.
During the first day, presentations on the 5 Work Packages that make the project were presented by the respective leaders, with LPRC making its presentation on the Communication, Dissemination and Outreach guidelines for the project. These work blocks were then deeply discussed during the following day: go to market, further technological development, pilots, communication and dissemination and project management were at the core of the discussions.
LPRC participated in the discussions of the work to be developed and presented its ideas for proper communication of the project to the stakeholders following the success that was the UNEXMIN project where LPRC also lead the communication efforts. Will this be a good omen?