Closing of the UNEXMIN Project
The UNEXMIN project, where LPRC leaded tasks on Dissemination, Technology transfer and Exploitation, has now ended, after a period of 45 months, where a multidisciplinary team from 7 European countries contributed to the development of a multi-robotic platform to map and explore flooded mines.
UNEXMIN brought together geoscientists, robotics engineers, policy makers and others from the fields of robotics and geology, to deliver an innovative technology capable of exploring flooded mines, caves and other environments and collecting valuable geological and visual information. Besides this main output, UNEXMIN also delivered, among others, an Inventory of Flooded Mines in Europe, various unique data from the test sites and a joint company that will keep exploitation of the technology going forward.
Within UNEXMIN, LPRC was responsible for:
- Developing and maintaining the project website and social media channels
- Create dissemination material such as brochures, posters and press releases
- Develop a research roadmap for the future of the technology
- Initiate and bring forward the establishment of the joint company UNEXMIN GeoRobotics
- Other tasks contributing to dissemination of the project such as presentations in conferences and workshops around Europe
LPRC is proud to have contributed to the development of the project and will continue to help in the exploitation of the technology to several target markets: flooded mines, caves, fishing ponds, water pipes and much more. Will the future be bright for the UX-1 robots and the technology?