CIRAN 4th Consortium Meeting (February 2025, Ljubljana, Slovenia)

The CIRAN Consortium gathered in Ljubljana, Slovenia, for an engaging three-day meeting, combining a field visit, expert discussions, and strategic planning. This event was organized by INTRAW, the project coordinator, and LPRC joined as one of the project partners. This meeting was held back-to-back with the 2025 International RoundTable for Materials Criticality (IRTC), fostering synergies between CIRAN and broader discussions on Critical Raw Materials globally.

LPRC colleague Helena Robert i Campos participated in the meeting, showcasing the relationship between past and ongoing roles of LPRC in the project. First, Helena presented the outcomes of Task 3.3, led by LPRC, concluded in December 2024, in the Parliamentary Hearing exercise with the External Experts. During the consortium meeting on the last day, she reaffirmed the active engagement of LPRC in WP5, while informing partners that the “What If” gaming methodology developed as part of Task 3.3 will be tested in the upcoming Public Discussion in Baiso, Italy, at the end of the month. Finally, Helena presented the status of Task 7.1 “Dissemination and Outreach” and the key milestones recently achieved, which included reaching over 500 followers on the CIRAN LinkedIn page and the Launch of the Video Contest for young people in Europe (3, 2, 1…The CIRAN Video Contest is on! – CIRAN). LPRC outlined the plans ahead for project dissemination and communication, highlighting the necessary cooperation across project partners and the respective Work Packages, and between the Consortium and its external stakeholder networks.