Annual workshop of the Cluster Hub “Production of Raw Materials for Batteries from European Resources”
Back in December 2024, LPRC contributed to the organization of the third edition of the annual workshop of the Cluster Hub “Production of Raw Materials for Batteries from European Resources”. The event took place in Brussels, and was co-organised by joint efforts of three EU-funded projects: RHINOCEROS, CRM-geothermal and CICERO. As part of the organization, LPRC represented the CRM-geothermal project, where it leads the clustering task.
The third edition of the Cluster Hub, along with an increasing number of participations, confirm the hub’s role as a dynamic ecosystem that continues to generate innovations in the European battery materials sector. The hub’s annual workshop, held as a satellite event of the Raw Materials Week 2024, provided once again a platform for presenting the most promising results from participating projects. Two technical sessions covered the entire battery value chain, from raw materials mining to recycling, while the opening conveniently portrayed the policy, the regulatory and strategic frameworks that support and drive the EU R&I initiatives in the battery sector.
Find more information here: From mining to recycling. The R&I journey of battery raw materials in EU: Proceedings from the Hub’s annual workshop 2024 – Materials for Batteries Hub