LPRC employees develop skills in 3D and 4D geological modelling

On the 16 -17th of January 2017, La Palma Research Centre staff took part in a training course on 3 & 4D geological  modelling with Jean-Jacques Royer, an expert in Geomodelling methods. 3  & 4 D Geological modelling is regularly applied in the mining and the oil and gas industry, and is one of the now crucial modern tools used to identify and define resources and reserves of essential geological materials.


Jean-Jacques Royer (furthest left, foreground) teaching LPRC staff how to model geological features.

The GOCAD software allowed LPRC employees to learn how to manipulate geological data in order to create 3D digital models and obtain information on geological features including faults, rock formations and mineral ore deposits, in terms of their location, size, and volume, and more.

With this training, LPRC members came to acquire a deeper knowledge of computerised geoscientific techniques; methods which are being widely used within many disciplines in the academic and industrial geoscience community.

Special thanks are given to Jean-Jacques Royer for conducting a greatly insightful training course.

INTRAW WP2 meeting hosted by LPRC

On the 11-12th of January 2017 LPRC had the opportunity to welcome project partners of INTRAW from FCT, Portugal, Assimagra – RecursosMinerais de Portugal, Fraunhofer IAO, Germany and EFG, Brussels and the University of Miskolc, Hungary who joined our colleagues on our road to create an international observatory on raw materials. During these two days, the partners were focusing their efforts on Work Package 2, fine-tuning the Action Plans on R&I, Education & Outreach, Industry & Trade and the Management & Substitution of raw materials.

The overall goal of the project is to set up and launch the European Union’s International Observatory for Raw Materials as a definitive and permanent raw materials knowledge management infrastructure in collaboration with technologically advanced non-EU countries (Australia, Canada, Japan, South Africa, & US) in response to similar global challenges. For more information, please visit: intraw.eu or follow the project on Twitter: @intrawproject

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