UNEXMIN follow-up meeting in Porto

UNEXMIN partners met in the beautiful city of Porto during the 28th and 29th of July.

The reason for this reunion was a UNEXMIN follow-up meeting on the project where every currently running Work Package (a block of the work breakdown structure) coordinator presented a review of the work done until now, and a planning of respective future developments.

There were also many relevant discussions on topics related to UNEXMIN’s overall advancement, such as project organisation and the development of UX-1, the multi-robotic platform.

new photo

UNEXMIN team discussing UX-1 developments


Second INTRAW WP2 meeting in Brussels

The second INTRAW WP2 workshop took place in EFG’s offices in Brussels. The meeting was related to a scenario building exercise. The partners defined the influence factors during the first workshop and produced projections for each of them as their “homework”.

During the meeting, cross impact analysis were performed in order to develop groups of projections which might plausibly appear simultaneously in the future, with 2050 defined as the target time-horizon.

Luis and Tamas were participating at the workshop.

Far-left: Luis and Tamas participating in the workshop.

KINDRA Copenhagen meeting with the Joint Panel of Experts

Project partners introduced and discussed the latest results of the KINDRA project with the Joint Panel of Experts. Adrienn participated during this meeting from LPRC.



INTRAW WP2 meeting in Brussels

INTRAW WP2 just kicked off in Stuttgart with its first workshop.

The partners performed a scenario-building exercise in order to define the most relevant influencing factors which are likely to shape the future of Raw Materials.

Tamas Miklovicz took part in the workshop on behalf of LPRC.

Discussion on the influence factors

Discussion on influencing factors

UNEXMIN meeting in Tampere

From the 24th to the 26th of May, UNEXMIN partners held a meeting in Tampere, Finland.

The meeting, entitled “End-user requirement specification workshop”, aimed to define and specify the technical features of the autonomous multi-robotic explorer in order to best serve end-users who will enlist UX-1’s services in the future.

Discussions included everything from the robot’s size, weight, shape, its autonomy, navigation, survivability under harsh conditions such as underground mines, to the instruments it will carry for geological data collection and post-processing on its future missions.

Discussion during the technical workshop

Discussion during the technical workshop

UNEXMIN meeting at the Deep Ecton mine

UNEXMIN consortium members visited the Deep Ecton mine, one of the copper mines located in Ecton Hill, Staffordshire (near Manchester), UK.

Deep Ecton will be the last and most technologically challenging test site (from a total of four) for the UX-1 multi-platform robot’s surveying work.

Adrienn and Luis participated in the meeting on behalf of LPRC.

UNEXMIN group studying actual conditions for UX-1 at Deep Ecton

UNEXMIN representatives studying analogue operating conditions for UX-1 at Deep Ecton

INTRAW WP2 meeting in Stuttgart

An INTRAW consortium meeting took place in Stuttgart. Work Package 2 (Programming) has just launched under the coordination of Fraunhaufer.

WP2 will ensure the development of cooperation strategies based on the best practices identified in the target countries (Australia, Canada, Japan, S.Africa, US) on applied research and innovation, joint educational and skills programmes, trade, exploration, exploitation, processing, recycling, and substitution in the raw materials sector.

UNEXMIN kick-off meeting in Miskolc!

The UNEXMIN kick-off meeting took place in Miskolc, Hungary on the 18th and 19th of February 2016.

Thirteen organisations from seven countries across Europe are collaborating in an ambitious project to develop a submersible robotic system to be used for surveying and exploring flooded mines.

The €5M project, funded by the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research programme, will include the development of a Robotic Explorer (UX-1) for autonomous 3D mine-mapping to gather valuable geological information which cannot be obtained in any other way – in general the mines are too deep and dangerous for access by human divers.

Balazs and Tamas represented the LPRC team at the event.

Read more about the UNEXMIN project here.

WP8 introduction by Balazs Bodo

Work Package 8 introduction by Balazs

MICA kick-off meeting in Copenhagen!

MICA will contribute to on-going efforts toward the establishment of the stakeholder-tailored product ‘European Union Raw Materials Intelligence Capacity Platform’ (EU-RMICP).

The MICA team will conduct careful analyses of stakeholder needs, and review existing data, methods and tools which provide intelligence on raw materials.

LPRC will be responsible for delivering raw-materials future foresight for the project.

Read more about MICA here.

KoM participants

MICA KoM participants

CHPM2030 kick-off meeting in Miskolc!

CHPM2030 is a 42-month H2020 project funded by the European Commission which began on the 1st of January, 2016.

The project aims to develop a novel technology solution which can sate Europe’s demand for energy and strategic metals in a single interlinked process.

LPRC will be the Work Package leader for WP6 – Roadmapping and Preparation for Pilots.

Adrienn and Tamas represented the LPRC team during the kick-off meeting.

Partners introduction at the KoM

Project partners introduce themselves at the KoM